10 minutes yoga to welcome the full moon in gemini

The Full Moon in Gemini invites you to re-invigorate your creative vibes. Start to get curious again about which creative pursuits bring you joy or think about hobbies and pastimes that you used to enjoy but haven’t done for a while. Now is the perfect time to explore all of the benefits that play and creativity can bring into your life.

Gemini is the symbol of communication. Use this energy to help you get something off your chest or pick up the phone and call a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a while.

The Egyptian symbol for Gemini was a woman and man holding hands. Also known as “the twins” the central theme for Gemini is uniting complementary opposites and this is what we are going to focus on in this short yoga practice as we explore the theme of duality with imagery around the sun and moon.

We begin this practice in a comfortable seated position and open with a Sun and Moon imagery meditation, picturing the sun in the lower belly and the moon over the crown of the head. You are invited to keep referring back to this imagery throughout the practice.

Practice Here: 10 Minutes Yoga for the Gemini Full Moon

The time of the Full Moon offers the ideal opportunity to celebrate what you have achieved so far this lunar cycle and decide what it is that you need to let go of not in order to let more of what you want into your life. Perhaps take your journal out after this short yoga practice and see what comes up for you as you explore these themes. 

Journal Prompts to Explore at the Full Moon in Gemini:

Are there any pairs of opposites that need reconciling and healing?

How do I best create balance in my life between my active Sun energy and my relaxing Moon energy?

What are my favorite ways of communicating my ideas to others?

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