Do you like to play with affirmations to help you instill a specific belief, mindset, or desired outcome in yourself? This could be done alongside your yoga practice or more generally in your life. They can be a really powerful tool in helping you to invite more of what you want into your life.
I like to use them at the start of my yoga practice. This helps to set the tone for my practice, to remind me to check in with my energy, so that I can offer my body the practice it is craving and not the one I think I should be doing.
Working with the Lunar Cycle has become more important to me now that I am in my Perimenopause. I like to flow with my Menstrual Cycle when I practice yoga, but this is becoming more tricky as my cycle shifts from it’s regular 28 day pattern.
Tapping into the energy of the moon which mirrors the energy of the menstrual cycle is giving me an extra layer of support in not only my yoga practice, but my daily life as well.
New Moon = Menstruation or Inner Winter
First Quarter = Follicular Phase or Inner Spring
Full Moon = Ovulation or Inner Summer
Last Quarter Moon = Luteal Phase or Inner Autumn
Affirmations for the Lunar Cycle
Elevate your yoga practice by starting with these Lunar Cycle Affirmations for each phase of the moons cycle or why not create your own.
Let these affirmations empower your practice, deepen your connection with yourself and help you connect with you own naturally changing energy levels throughout each month.
You can choose to say it before you begin your practice, during or at the end, and throughout your day if you wish too. Do what feels natural and helpful for you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. This is your practice.
New Moon Affirmations
The New Moon heralds the beginning of the lunar cycle. Each New Moon brings with it the opportunity for you to reflect on the previous cycle and to sow the seeds of a fresh intention for the month ahead.
I give myself permission to rest.
I honour my hopes and dreams
Rest is essential to my health and happiness.
I feel and believe in my intentions.
First Quarter Moon Affirmations
The waxing energy of the First Quarter Moon invites you to think more deeply about what you want to invite more of into your life. As the moon grows in strength and energy so can your intentions and goals.
What I want and desire comes easily to me.
I am attracting health, abundance and happiness into my life.
I move towards my dreams with courage and curiosity.
I invite abundance and prosperity into my life.
Full Moon Affirmations
The Full Moon marks the mid-point of the Lunar Cycle. The moon is now a complete circle, shining bright up in the sky. It’s time to take action.
I am strong, I am powerful
I am grateful.
I am visible, I am seen, I am important.
I celebrate all that I have achieved.
Last Quarter Affirmations
At the Last Quarter Moon she is decreasing in size and energy, offering you the invitation to transition towards a slower pace of life on and off your yoga mat. What can you begin to let go of? Where can you slow down?
I trust in my inner wisdom and intuition to guide me.
I can say no.
I know my truth; I speak my truth.
When I slow down, my body rejuvenates.
Please enjoy using these affirmations in your own yoga practice and let me know how they go for you under comments or why not connect with me on Instagram?
FREE Yoga the Phases of the Lunar Cycle Guide