All humans are cyclical beings. Men run on a 24-hour clock, whereas women (and all beings with ovaries) follow a 28(ish) Day Cycle, following the cyclical rhythms of their Menstrual Cycle (or Moon Cycle if you do not have a Menstrual Cycle).
Unfortunately, the linear rhythm of modern society no longer respects or honours any of these cycles. Both men and women are expected to be happy and on the go 24-7, with little time for breaks or even a proper night’s sleep. We are all exhausted and this has to change.
Check out our current Online Class Schedule Here.
Here at Sunflower Yoga & Wellness, we will introduce you to the powers of Menstrual Cycle Awareness and show you how to use this knowledge to adapt your yoga practice to suit where you actually are in your Menstrual (or Moon) Cycle. Encouraging you to listen to and work with your body rather than pushing against it.
With the help of the awesome Kelsey Taylor, Flow Womens Wellness, I completed her 50-Hour Flow Women’s Wellness Hormonal Health Yoga Teacher Training Menarche to Menopause in 2023.
Read the following for more information
Affirmations to empower you at each phase of your Menstrual cycle
10 Minute Just the Basics Yoga for Menstruation
Permission to Rest – 40 Minute yoga for menstruation
Menstrual Cycle Self-Care: Nurturing Practices for Every Phase
Free yoga calendar for the menstrual cycle (work with the energies of your body)
Supercharge your life with Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Yoga for the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (Get Ready to Play)
Yoga for the ovulation phase (It’s Time To Shine)
Empowered Yoga for the Luteal Phase of the Menstrual Cycle (What To Avoid)
Can you do yoga on your period(You might be surprised by the answer)
Menstrual Cycle and Yoga
You can find lots of FREE 10 Minute Videos to support you at each phase of the Menstrual Cycle and Moon cycle) over on my YouTube Channel – Sunflower Yoga.