If you no longer have a Menstrual Cycle (or have never had one) you can use the 29 Day Moon Cycle as a guide to working with your different energy levels througout the month.
Download Your FREE Guide to Yoga for the Lunar Cycle Here.
Read the following for more information
10 minutes yoga for the full moon in leo
10 minute meditation for the new moon in aquarius
10 minute yoga for the full moon in cancer
12 Minute Gentle Yoga Flow to set New Moon Intentions
Affirmations to empower you at each phase of the lunar cycle
10 minutes yoga to welcome the full moon in gemini
10 Minute New Moon Yoga (with Video)
Moon Cycles and Yoga
Yoga Poses to welcome the fresh new energy of the First Quarter Moon
Yoga Poses for the Last Quarter Moon (it’s Time to Slow Down)
7 Abundant Full Moon Yoga Poses
6 Poses for an Uplifting New Moon Yoga Practice
Moon Cycle Yoga
You can find FREE 10 Minute videos to support each phase of the Moon over on my YouTube Channel Sunflower Yoga.